My Value Proposition is this: from your first class when I greet, you will hear, read, and write in Spanish. You will build familiarity and fluency with each lesson. You will be taught structures and forms to begin to communicate ideas and phrases right away. It is the best and most practical way to learn the language spoken by more than five hundred million people world-wide.Your lessons are complemented by the latest audio visual aids including DVD, CD and the time fashioned method - flashards. We will role-play and use the tried and proven methodologies to make learning exciting, enjoyable and most of all, memorable. Interested? Then please check out my courses. Send an email to arrange a free, forty-five minute, no obligation, orientation where we will discuss your Spanish language goals.
Easing your way around the world.
Tri-lingual speaker.
Private, Business, Social & Travel Homework Coaching and Tutoring.